Tabela de Artigos
Título do Artigo | Autor | Fonte | Ano | Link |
New app makes it easy to gamify and personalize educational experiences
“Developed by a UOC computer engineering graduate, ARCamp combines augmented reality and geopositioning.
One of the first experiences on the platform is a robot that explains different historical periods”….
Media & Learning 2025: Educational media that works
“More and more the question posed to all members of the Media & Learning community is whether the media supported resources and learning opportunities that they create really make a difference when it comes to learning…”
IDENTIFIC - A Inteligência Artificial ao Serviço do Ensino Superior!
O Identific oferece soluções avançadas de integridade académica para deteção de plágio e conteúdos gerados por IA…
Recursos e Dicas Digitais • tutor.hugof.pt
Grupo de apoio à utilização racional das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, para simplificar e descomplicar a aplicação das novas tecnologias.
Generative AI and Higher Education: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions from a Systematic Literature Review
“The development of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is transforming higher education…..”
How Election Researchers Use Graph Technology to Fight Disinformation
Since 2016, disinformation campaigns have steadily eroded Americans’ faith in democracy, and they pose an unprecedented threat to the 2024 U.S. presidential election…
Artificial intelligence: advice for students
“Generative Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as generative AI or AI, is progressing at a rapid rate. This form of technology includes AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT…”
Artificial intelligence
“These resources aim to assist higher education providers and their staff to meet new challenges and benefit from opportunities afforded by advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to resources developed by TEQSA, we have also included good practice advice from other sources….”
Cultura e Inteligência Artificial vão ser debatidas por Alexandre Quintanilha e outros ilustres
“No âmbito do projeto European Heritage Hub e do Hub Europa Nostra do Património Cultural – uma parceria entre o …”
Implementing Instructional Design Strategies Using Adobe Captivate:
A Comprehensive Guide
“This eBook aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of various instructional design strategies and their impact on the effectiveness of instructional materials and learning experiences.”
9 Types of Innovation
“This website is a place for ideas, guidance, shared knowledge and open-source code and tools to help the education community learn how to sensibly integrate their work helping children learn….”
Revisión teórica sobre la evolución de las teorías del aprendizaje.
Faculdade de Economia do Porto testa inteligência artificial com chatbot
” Novo chatbot para o apoio ao estudo vai ser lançado no próximo ano letivo na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto…”
¿Con cuál de estas tecnologías desarrollas proyectos educativos?
“…Buscar nuevas formas de fomentar el conocimiento es una tarea que amerita dedicación y sobre todo, estar enterado de las últimos avances…”
Proton Docs: a nova alternativa ao Word e ao Google Docs com segurança e privacidade
“A Proton tem estado a criar de forma muito ativa novos produtos. Mantém sempre na sua base a segurança e a privacidade dos utilizadores, mas quer dar-lhes alternativas como um serviço de e-mail, um gestor de passwords e até alojamento cloud..”
Best Practices for Using AI When Writing Scientific Manuscripts
” Science is communicated through language. The media of language in science is multimodal, ranging from lecturing in classrooms, to informal daily discussions among scientists, to prepared talks at conferences, and, finally, to the pinnacle of science communication, the formal peer-reviewed publication….”
Politécnico de Leiria lança primeiros cursos criados por Inteligência Artificial
Cursos são apresentados em formato texto e vídeo e recorrem a avatars com voz portuguesa
Professors Ask: Are We Just Grading Robots?
“Jeff Wilson is a professor of religious studies at the University of Waterloo. Since ChatGPT appeared on the scene, he has warned his students against using artificial intelligence to do their work. ..”
Artificial Intelligence Use to Empower the Implementation of OER and the UNESCO OER Recommendation
“Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently been gaining ground, particularly since November 2022, with the introduction of generative tools based on natural language processing and neural network algorithms. …”
A Guide to Understanding the Colors of Open Access
“By now, many in the global academic community have a good grasp on what open scholarship is, even if they do not fully understand all the intricate details and miscellaneous information that encompasses open access publishing. While understanding open access under an umbrella may…”
Green, Gold, Diamond? Making Sense of Open Access Models
“Open access is the emerging standard for how scientific literature is published and shared. An open access publication is digital, has no fees required for access, and has no copyright or licensing restrictions…”
Colección de revistas del area Educación
“La producción científica de México en revistas
iberoamericanas, Educación …”
eLeam About - AACE
“eLeam — World Conference on EdTech is
an intemational conference organized by…”
NotebookLM I Note Taking & Research Assistant Powered by AI
“Use the power of A1 for quick
summarization and note taking,…”
Inteligência Artificial no Design Instrucional
“Enfrentando desafios no design instrucional devido às limitações corporativas? A inteligência artificial pode ser a solução. Ela transforma tarefas manuais e repetitivas, permitindo a personalização …”
Best AI Tools for Students
Enhance your learning with the best AI tools! From personalized tutoring to seamless video editing, these 10 AI-powered tools will boost your productivity and make studying a breeze.
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém é uma instituição de ensino superior politécnico público, ao serviço da sociedade, empenhada na qualificação de alto nível dos cidadãos, destinada à produção e difusão do conhecimento, criação, transmissão e difusão do saber de natureza profissional, da cultura, da ciência, da tecnologia, das artes, da investigação orientada e do desenvolvimento experimental, relevando a centralidade no estudante e na comunidade envolvente, num quadro de referência internacional.